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Foxwell NT530 Resetting BMW 325i 2004 transmission fault code


If a 2004 BMW 325i has a Transmission fault code, you can use Foxwell NT530 to read out the fault codes, thereby dealing with the problems of the cars. Whether finding a reputable shop to get a high-quality NT530 or not matter a lot when doing a diagnosis of the car. Let’s see more information clearly as follows:

Car model and year: 2004 BMW 325i

Error: Transmission fault code (The transmission downshifts hard between 2 and first).

2 codes gotten when Using the Foxwell NT530 scanner to read the fault codes: 91 EGS: CAN torque reduction 13 EGS: Solenoid, shift lock

Two Suggestions to think about: Is the fluid level where it should be? Has the transmission ever been serviced?

Extra information to read: You have to know which auto trans you have. There was a GM and a ZF and the best way to tell is by the oil pan. 88k miles is low for transmission to have a catastrophic issue, even though I am not very good at auto trans troubleshooting. BMW sourced automatic transmissions from GM of France and ZF of Germany. How to tell which is in your car is the question you have to check. Comparing with GM transmission’s fluid pan has smooth sides, the pan in the ZF transmission is ribbed. The GM transmission uses Dexron3 fluid while the ZF transmission uses a more exotic fluid.

Detailed operation procedure: scan the engine computer (DME in BMWspeak)>>Scan the automatic transmission computer (EGS) for codes>> Find a reputable indie shop that specializes in bimmers at The requirement for the shop: have all of the BMW proprietary software to properly scan the computers.

View the following chart to identify which transmission you have.

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