Norway car repair shop owner, a couple of months ago, purchased a bunch of OBD2 scanners from our store,, which contain Foxwell NT650 Elite. He gave us very high praise for our products, other than that recently, one new starter faced some sort of update problem. Let’s find out what it is:
Two relevant photos referring to the “update error” he mentioned:
What about the response from the technical engineer from our store?
This error occurred due to customer’s wrong operation, if customers already registered the account and connect the tool to the PC in a right way, the serial number, account name and password would be no problem when updating.
See? He downloaded the wrong Foxwell update software named “FoxScanner V8.73”. That’s why this error is gonna happen.
Please go to and download the update tool: FoxAssist.
Not only that, you should then enter into the “Update” mode when connecting the tool with the PC via USB cable.
More Foxwell scanners update procedures, please refer to this article:
That’s all for today’s sharing. Thank you for reading!